This is the second book in the series and contains a further 150 Eastern Australian rainforest tree species. Volume 1 contained 93 species-taking the total tree species covered to 243.
Due to the large number of rainforest tree species, Volume 3 is in the making and will be published in due time.
These books describe brush trees, their barks and trunks, and record these trees in their unspoiled environment for their identity, natural heritage and value.
All trees were photographed by the author in rainforests of the Illawarra NSW Yarrawa brush remnants in Robinson NSW, mountain rainforests of Far Northern NSW, rainforests west of and remnant scrubs of the Gold Coast ES QLD, rainforests west of Brisbane SE QLD, dry rainforest scrubs in the districts of Kyogle NSW, Dalby, the slopes of Bunya Mountains, Kingaroy and Kilkivan SE QLD.
The photographs in the books will give the reader a closer appreciation of the different bark types, colourations, textures, trunk shapes, and an overall understanding of old-growth rainforest trees, along with rainforest timer uses and descriptions – an historical feature of days gone by of the Australian timber trade.
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