Common questions we get asked
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I tell if the Arborist I am using is qualified?
As with all trades and professionals, there are different levels of qualification for operators and consultants. If you are employing a consultant, they must be qualified to AQF (Australian Qualification Framework) Level 5 Diploma in Horticulture (Arboriculture).
If you want a tree removed or pruned professionally, your arborist must be qualified to minimum AQF Level 3 in Arboriculture or AQF Level 3 in Horticulture (Arboriculture).
When engaging an Arborist (at any level), do not be afraid to ask to see proof of Qualifications, insurances and references. Always get more than one quotation and compare advise as well as price. See also brochure “why you need an Arborist”.
Tree and Neighbourhood disputes (Dividing fence and Trees) Act 2011
For all queries relating to Tree Disputes please refer to the QCAT website FAQ’s section.
For Neighbourhood Disputes (Dividing fence and trees) Act 2011 click here.
I'm trying to find a qualified Arborist in Queensland / Northern NSW
To find QAA approved arborists, please refer to our Approved Register.
I've seen your logo, but I'm unsure if a company are members?
If you have seen our logo and would like to check if a particular company are members, please contact the QAA office on 07 3821 1488 or email office@qaa.net.au.
What does the QAA do if a company are not members, but are displaying the QAA logo?
The QAA takes membership very seriously. If a company is using the QAA Logo inappropriately and not within the guidelines of our Correct use of QAA Logo, they will be issued with a warning to remove immediately or pay membership from the previous year to current. If you see the logo being used inappropriately, please contact the QAA.
Workplace Health and Safety
Please refer to the WorkSafe Queensland website for more information on industry related WHS and upcoming webinars.
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